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tv   ABC News Good Morning America  ABC  July 7, 2013 4:00am-5:01am PDT

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good morning, america. >> oh, my god! we just saw a plane crash. >> breaking overnight, new details on the fiery crash landing of asiana flight 214. >> heavy emergency vehicles responding. >> mashing into the runway in san francisco, careening out of control, the tail snapping off, the roof catching fire. >> the tail hit, and it started a cart wheel. >> this morning, incredible stories of survival as passengers speak out about the terrifying moment of impact and the scramble to freedom. >> screaming, fear. >> the eyewitnesss and the emergency workers who swarmed the airport to help the victims, the latest on the urgent
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investigation. how could this happen? and new detail this is morning on what you can do to survive a crash. it's a special edition of good morning, america, crash landing in san francisco. good morning, welcome to this special edition of "gma." this is the latest information. here's what we know as we come on the air. the two people who did not survive were both 16-year-old girls from china. there were 307 people on board the flight including passengers and crew. 182 to local hospitals, 49 in critical condition. for hours afterwards, there were scores of passengers unaccounted for. but everybody is accounted for this morning. >> and overnight, investigators from the national transportation safety board arrived, they tweeted out this picture of the
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ntsb chairman and the examiner in charge examining the plane. they have the black boxes and are on their way back to washington for analysis. this morning in korea, the ceo of asiana airlines he would a news conference saying he does not believe it was mechanical failure, although he refused to blame the pilots all who were highly trained. >> we have team coverage. and start with cecilia vega in san francisco. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, dan and bianna. we know that 61 american citizens were on board the flight, and 30 of the passengers were children. investigators are calling this a crash-landing. witnesses who saw the whole thing say it's a miracle so many survived. the nightmare happened in the final seconds of a ten and a
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half hour flight from seoul, south korea to san francisco. a devastating crash landing that killed two and injured nearly 200. 2227 a.m., flight 214 was on the final approach when witnesses say it hit the ground hard, tail first, feet from the runway, scattering debris before coming to rest ones it belly roughly 80 feet from the runway. >> then it just like fell from the tail section, it smashed down with a thunderous sound. >> reporter: the tail was missing. the fuselage engulfed in flames, but they radioed the tower which already knew there was trouble. >> 214, emergency vehicles are responding. >> 11:35 a.m., rescue crews race to the runway. chaos, some of the more than 300 on board were in the water, possibly trying to douse themselves after the plane went up in flames.
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flames that fire fighters rushed to put out. >> the chutes were deployed, and we observed multiple numbers of people coming down the chutes and walking to safety, which was a good thing. >> reporter: by 1:00 p.m., nearly 200 people were at hospitals, hours later, 4:18 p.m., two confirmed dead. 7:47 p.m., all passengers and crew accounted for. >> the most critically injured came here. they had burns, fractures, internal bleeding, injuries, spinal injuries. >> the ntsb is launching a full investigation into what caused the devastating crash. >> we are looking at aircraft to try to find the flight data recorders and document the accident scene. >> reporter: a lot of work to do out here still. we also know on board flight 214, a teacher and her students from china. they were headed to the united
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states for a summer trip. bianna, so many paurnts still trying to figure out how their children are doing. >> one can only imagine what a living hell it is for those parents. our thanks to you. with more details, it was clear this was a terrifying experience for those on board the flight. david wright has gripping firsthand accounts from the survivors. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. most of us have heard the flight attendant spiel so many times, we tune it out. but after this, you're going to pay closer attention. hundreds of people walking away from a fiery plane crash with an amazing story to tell. the inflight movie was love 911, a korean romance about fire fighters. benjamin watched it in 30 k, a window seat. >> i realized we were supplying too low. >> reporter: finally it bounced and belly flopped on to the runway.
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>> splashed down, and the engine roared, and really hard the first time, felt like we were coming back up and then down really hard. >> reporter: he saw the thing from his patio across the bay. >> right up to the runway, we heard a loud boom. it was lost in a sea of black smoke and dust. >> reporter: the fuselage filled with smoke and screams. >> i can't believe this is happening. we are going to be okay. i thought i was going to be okay. it wasn't my time, maybe. >> reporter: 30 k was an emergency exit seat. >> opened the door, debris, no slides, it's okay, help each other, don't rush, don't push, get out, get out. >> reporter: he was among the last to get out, he took his carry on with him. >> your adrenaline is so strong you don't think about it. you ask yourself what kind of
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person you're going to be, today i'm glad i was able to help like a lot of the other people helped. >> reporter: in that carry on, his cell phone, he immediately called his wife to eto say he was okay. a cool customer. 95% plus survive plane crashes, and most of them describe the evacuation procedures as organized chaos, not the sort of panic you'd expect. >> that's amazing statistic, and a cool customer describing those moments after the crash. thank you. as we mentioned, corral investigators arrived on the scene overnight. here's another picture they tweeted out. now begins the possibly pain-staking process of how and why this happened. david kurly is covering that. >> reporter: abc news has learned that the ntsb recovered
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the two black boxes which are on their way to washington for analysis. be critical in the investigation. they hope to be talking to the pilots and crew about why it ended up way short of the runway. this is only the second crash of a boeing 777, and like the first, it was a crash landing. >> the tail hit, planes came up, a cart wheel. >> reporter: it had been in the air for nearly ten and a half hours and all sounded fine on final approach. but it came up a few feet short. >> when it hit, sparks flew. >> reporter: as it approached the runway, the nose was unusually pointing upward, suggesting they didn't have enough power or momentum to make it to the runway. >> i couldn't tell if it slid. >> it looked like an explosion. >> reporter: it hit the break water, sheering off.
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the bulk of the jet came to rest on the airfield. >> the chutes were deployed. >> reporter: as they were evacuating, other pilots saw it. >> people are walking out of the airplane. >> it's settling. >> we see two or three people moving, survived. >> reporter: they scrambled and will be interested in talking to the pilots and recovering the black boxes, especially the flight data recorder. >> they can provide us information about the airplane's operation, specific parameters. and that will lead us, certainly, to better facts about this investigation. >> at this point in time, there is no indication of terrorism. >> reporter: the jet that crashed is only seven years old, and asiana airlines has a good safety record. but it's early similar to the only other crash five years ago in london. no one was killed, and it was a specific problem with the engine type. this one used a different
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engine. a somewhat strange news conference from the ceo of asiana airlines who doesn't believe it's a mechanical problem and refused to comment on pilot error. it is far too early to rule everything out. they are going over system and action, it can take up to a year. >> so many questions to answer, and may be a while before we get the answers. thank you. let's bring in john who joins us from seattle, good morning. >> good morning. ment. >> so based on what you are hearing right now, what do you think are the possible causes for this crash? >> well, what we absolutely know is that it was too low and slow. we don't know why. more than likely, there was a lack of power application, and whether that was the cause the power couldn't come up when the pilots called for it or they were slow, hard to believe that would be the case with
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experienced pilots, but one or the other. that will be revealed easily. >> landing is when passengers are most exposed to trouble, but how much did it benefit the passengers it was at the end of the flight when fuel levels are low. >> it's always helpful if you're going to have a breeched fuel tank situation, which was the situation here, to have less fuel. this is going to ignite massive fires. i don't know whether it's going to be a pivotal aspect or not, with the gear falling off or being ripped off, the fuel tanks were breeched, and it ignited. but it's better to have less than more. >> when we see this, everybody who gets on a plane is terrified immediately. it's worth noting that the last time a major u.s. airline lost a plane in this country was in 2001, the disaster at jfk involving american airlines. anybody who's planning a summer vacation now, going to get on a
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plane, should we derive comfort from this context? >> we really should. this has been 12 years, more than 12 years since the last accident. at 32,000 flights a day, what we have on commercial airlines in the united states. this is such a rare occurrence, that we've essentially achieved zero in terms of air safety. we'll get to the bottom of this and make sure it never happens again, but commercial aviation is just an incredible success story. >> obviously it's a tragedy that we know of two fatalities here, but there could have been so many more. talk about how important the level of expertise for the flight crew was to get them off, to help save their lives in just 90 seconds they took to get off the plane. >> that's always been the standard. and they do it in a darkened hangar when they certify the airplanes. flight attendants, a lot of
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people think they're there to serve meals and keep the passengers happy, they're there to get you off the airplane safely fast if anything happens. they earned their pay on this one. >> one more question, how intense and panoramic will this be? how much time and what are the burning questions that need to be answered right now? >> dan, one of the things that's so good about the national trngs safety board is they look at everything, there's never just one cause. there never is. they look at all the different things that pieced together made the accident happen. not just one cause, everything that contributed to it. we will have some very definitive answers rapidly about power plants, what throttles were pushed and when. >> and the black boxes are crucial for the investigation. we appreciate your expertise, thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you very much. >> thanks, john.
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>> we're going to turn now to the other deadly accident making headlines this weekend. this? canada just across the border from maine. a devastating derailment of a freight train filled with crude oil that exploded into flames. we have the latest from the scene. >> reporter: and good morning to you. this morning, up to a hundred people could still be missing, when you see this video, you might might agree with the people who say this looks like a war zone. overnight, a desperate search for the missing in a small town ravaged by back-to-back explosions. this is the eerie after math captured by local fire fighters. the billowing flames ignited when an un-manned cargo train with 72 tankers of crude oil reportedly became unhatched, moved downhill into the town and derailed. >> we see the big tank cars, when is it going to happen?
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you know, when is this catastrophe going to happen. and it happened. it happened. we're screaming. >> reporter: locals say a nearby bar was packed with people when the explosion started at 1:00 a.m. saturday. nobody knows if those people are still alive. >> we don't to want panic anyone. some people might be unreachable, but we're trying to ascertain how many people are missing. >> reporter: this is your town, that's why you're emotional. >> yeah. i was born and raised here. i teach here at the high school. my aunt, her house is burned down. she's 93. she didn't have time to get out of there. >> reporter: this morning, the concern for the area is over the quality of the air and water. much of the oil has leaked into rivers and lakes. >> we just can't wait for the leaking, and the fire going ton to be under control so we can
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work on the recovery phase instead of being in the intervention phase. >> reporter: and so right now, there's only one confirmed death, but officials fear there's many more. they'll know once they're able to get a clear view of that sight. >> what a disaster for that little town. thank you for your reporting. a lot of other news, and we turn to ron claiborne. including the news out of egypt. >> we began with confusion and chaos where there's protests expected later today. supporters of the ousted president have been facing off in the streets. and alex is in cairo where the protests are expected to begin. >> reporter: thank you. we are expecting tahrir square to fill up with thousands of opponents of the ousted president mohamed morsi. they are calling it the great victory.
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supporters of morsi will be taking to the streets demanding his release from arrest and reinstatement as president. they are furious the military has deposed the first democratically elected president. it shows how much tension there is. we have seen deadly battles between the sides, and with so many people in the streets, it raises the fear of more bloodshed. >> alex, thank you for that reporting from cairo. and another offer of asylum for edward snowden. bolivia, after nicaragua and ecuador said they would give him asylum. but they said highway hasn't responded. he is hiding in a moscow airport after leaking details of a highly secret u.s. intelligence
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program. and aaron hernandez will be in court tomorrow. ernest wallace will be arraigned on monday. hundreds of patriots fans turned out at gillette stadium to trade in their jerseys for other jerseys. nearly 1200 were returned. and a serious health warning this morning. whole foods and recalling crave brother's cheese, it may have listeria. one person has been killed, and five others sickened after eating the cheese. and now we want to warn viewers, don't watch this if you like cute, cuddly animals. look at that. you know what those are? >> those look like sea lion eclairs. >> eclairs? >> they have seal ups chilling on the beach there. >> that's the scientific term,
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chilling. >> yes. >> that was all morning. >> dr win yan term. they are protecting themselves from the sun. natural sunscreen for the little guys. >> they are cute. >> they are. i try to warn viewers who don't like that. >> nothing edible about them. >> to be clear, we're not recommending anything there. it's just an expressive term. appreciate it. >> time now for the weather. >> see if bianna can make it through. giggle fest. >> we want to welcome back jouly durda who's in for ginger zee. >> thank you, we are waking up to temperatures warm and humid across the northeast. it is sunday. you might want to escape from the heat just like the sea lions. we have that possibility in the northeast. with this stubborn frontal
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boundary, that's choking portions of the midwest, and moved into the lo valley. the rain will continue today, but headed up to the northeast. it will retreat to the north, soaking showers and thunderstorms across the gulf coast, and possibly 1 to 2 to 3 inches of rain. if you're in the deal with the rain, it's the heat. check out these temperatures. we are expecting highs in the northeast in the low 90s, but with the relative humidity to the air temperature, feels like the triple digits. heat advisories and warnings in four states. coast to coast, the pacific northwest, nice and dry, so the southwest, showers and thunderstorms across positions of denver and new mexico, thunderstorms over the great lakes, and the storms will head to the northeast. that's a look at the forecast from coast to coast. let's look at the forecast outside your front door.
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>> back to you. >> i would imagine that it would be nice to escape miami at this time of year, but it's just as hot in new york city. >> we were joking, i brought it with me. >> she blames you? >> yeah. and everybody else around. >> i will apologize on behalf of jouly. >> i heard -- it was so great to meet you. a pleasure being here. thank you. >> great to have you. and coming up on the broadcast, how can you walk away from a plane crash like this one?
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an extraordinary number of people survive, and what you can do to boost your odds of making it out alive. >> and one bit of lighter news, the massive pressure on the man they call dandy andy. will he become the first brit to win wimbledon in 80 years? can he do it? >> can you imagine what it's like walking out today? i don't envy him. more "gma" after this quick break. keep it here.
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it's you are -- surreal. you are having a crash. the plane is going up, and you don't know if it's a tail spin or not. it was lucky. >> lucky indeed. calling it surreal, the experience of being on the boeing 777 which crashed and burned at san francisco international airport. we'll hear from an expert on why it may have crash landed, and what we can hope to learn from the black boxes. good morning, i'm bianna golodryga. >> and i'm dan harris, this is sunday, july 7th. also fascinating and possibly life saving information. the decisions you can make in the moment that might make a
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huge difference. >> let's start with recapping when we know about the crash of flight 214. two people, 16-year-old girls from china died in the crash. out of the 307 people on the plane, 291 were passengers, 16 crew. 182 people were taken to local hospitals, 49 of them are in critical condition. this morning after confusing and scary hours, all of the passengers have finally been accounted for. >> let's bring in abc news aviation consultant, certainly steven for more details. he joins us from washington. based on what we know, i want to ask the same question we asked john at the beginning of the last half hour, based on what we know, in your view, what are the possible causes? >> the ntsb will look at multiple causes, weather, pilot error, human factors, and potential mechanical problems. in this case, the weather is an
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anomaly. it was so good. this is not the kind of day you would expect this mishap. they'll narrow it down to potentially air crew error or mechanical failure. something happened at that point in the approach where the aircraft got too low, too slow, and the crew was not able to save the aircraft. >> and we heard this morning from the ceo of asiana arls, he said it was not mechanical, didn't fault the pilot. do you think this is a pilot error? human error? >> hard to tell. let's lay out two things. we know there was a british airways flight that had some similarities. they will look to see if there's anything they can deduce from that mishap investigation. on the other hand, there's an interesting phenomenon in the good weather. it's a bit ironic. hi had a chance to talk a good friend of mine, a squadron mate who is a captain for u.s.
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airline. he was two blaens behind this airplane today. last night he had two observations. he was impressed with how quickly they got the fire out, there was no visual aids to landing yesterday. so, normally when the pilots come in on a nice, clear day, they have some balls -- little red balls and white balls that they line up that tell them they're on the glide path. those were out at san francisco. all the airplanes making these approaches were relying almost solely on their eyeballs unless they had an internal backup. there is a phenomenon that can occur over water, they don't have the depth perception over smooth water where they can feel they are perhaps much higher than they are. don't know if that's the case, but it's one of the things the ntsb will look at. >> as you mentioned with the flight crew is going to come out the heros, having saved so many
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hundreds of lives. we appreciate your insight. thanks for joining us this morning. >> thank you. >> and now back to ron claiborne with the other top stories this morning. >> hello to you, good morning, everyone. chaos and confusion in egypt where opponents and supporters of the ousted president have been facing off in the streets. thousands of his opponents are expected to rally today to celebrate what they are calling a great victory. morsi supporters are calling for their own protest demanding he be returned to power. and dozens are feared dead after the a train derailment in canada. it went up in balls of flames, destroying a huge section of the town near the main border. 72 cars were parked and started to roll and derail sparking the fire ball. entire town has been evacuated, and several dozen people are reported missing this morning. and a radical muslim cleric
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was in jordan this morning to face terrorism charges. he was arrested in britain and sentenced by a jordanian court for a plot to attack tourists. and more than 170,000 people turned out for a concert for the twisters in oklahoma that caused an estimated $2 million worth of damage. toby keith and willie nelson were among those who performed. and over to julie durda who's in for ginger. >> good morning, america. it's the heat and the gulf coast straits, all the way from the northeast. and the risk of rip currents. it's the last day of a holiday weekend. as you head to the beach, be careful, especially along florida and the carolinas. we have an area of high pressure
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over the west atlantic, that's a high occurrence for beach goers until tomorrow. swim at guarded beaches. be careful. it's pumping in the heat and humidity to the gulf coast states, stretching up towards the northeast. check out the highs across the united states from coast to coast. heat and humidity all the way up to the northeast. a high of 93 in boston, that's warmer than south florida. triple digits over phoenix, and the heat continues over the midwest. that's the forecast from coast to coast, let's look outside your front door. and this weather report is brought to you by purina. i said i feed my dog that. >> what kind of dog?
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>> a black lab. >> i love labs. >> i would like to say little, but she's 70 pounds. >> everything you need to know about julie durda this morning. getting back to the plane crash in san francisco. and the question, how do so many passengers get out alive after the plane made the landing and caught fire? it's more common than you might think. the science of survival after this quick break. and switch gears to the pressure on dandy andy murray on center court. can he become the first brit to win wimbledon in 77 years?
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bianna and i have been talking about the fact you look at the pictures, it's just so hard to believe that so many people walked off the plane, many unharmed. many went to the hospital as well. but it is the question in stories like this, how are people able to walk away unscathed, and what can you do to increase your odds? there are things you can do. and rob nelson is here with that story. good morning. >> good morning, accidents like yesterday's crash can put many travelers on the edge.
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but consider this, 99% of the passengers survived the ordeal yesterday. and and when it comes to aviation safety, that kind of survival is much more the rule than the exception. images from saturday's fire asiana airlines crash are certainly harrowing for the millions of americans who take to the skies every year. >> we just saw a plane crash. >> but statistics show that plane crashes like yesterday's are rare. according to the ntsb, only one in 1.2 million flights is in an accident. >> riding on a commercial airplane is the same risk as an escalator. >> and the survival rate was an incredible 95%, although the survival rate is high, a professor at the university says the moments before impact are the most important. >> you are preparing yourself to react appropriately in emergency
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situations. >> analysts say put down that magazine and pay attention to the safety instructions. most accidents happen within three minutes of takeoff or in the eight minutes leading up to landing. saturday's crash involved the same type of boeing plane that crashed in 2008 at the heath row airport, where all 152 made it out alive. how could you survive a plane crash? seats in the rear of the plane are generally safer, as are aisle seats. and they should try to sit within five rows of an exit. >> you have a better chance of surviving. >> and they are higher thanks to an industry that's made strides with safety. experts credit stronger seats, more flame retardant parts, and better fire fighting techniques, giving them more time to escape like yesterday. >> just try to ignore the screaming and get out. >> this passenger recalled the
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moment when the plane crashed saturday, and highlighted another important factor that prevent the asiana flight 214 from becoming a catastrophe, the plane skidded to a stop, never overturning. >> if it did, none of us would be here to talk about it. >> according to m.i.t. statistics professor, the risk of dying for u.s. airplane passengers has been one in 45 million flights. a traveler could fly every day for an average of 123,000 years before being involved in a fatal crash. amazing stat. >> reassuring. we needed that. >> and compared to an escalator. thank you. and coming up, murray mania in the uk. can he win the men's wimbledon crown? he'll be the first one in so many decades if he does. like this woman here. hello! what's your name? linda.
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well, tennis fans in britain are holding their breath today. most have never seen one of their countrymen win wimbledon. will today be andy murray's day? standing in his way is the world's number one player, joke djokovic, and here's jeffrey kaufman with the story. >> reporter: talk about pressure. andy murray has got to know that his entire country is desperate to see him win today on centre court at wimbledon. no male britt has won this tournament since a guy named fred perry triumph here in 1936. >> the expectations from pressure on murray have been unbelievable. the amount of attention that wimbledon gets here, it's more than a sporting event, tennis
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tournament, and now the weight of an entire nation on his shoulder. >> reporter: murray made it to the finals last year but lost to roger federer. he's also won here before and thrilled britain during the 2012 olympics with a gold medal victory over federer on the centre court. >> i think i'm probably in a better place, mentally. i would hope so just because of -- i've been there before. >> reporter: but murray is ranked number two, he's up against number one, serbian, novak djokovic, who won wimbledon in 2011. at the moment, they're the two best playe erer erers men tes td it's fitting to see a british champion, it will be against the best. >> reporter: if he's worried about facing murray today, he is not letting on. >> i'm ready and looking forward to that. >> reporter: now, by the way, djokovic is exactly one week
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younger than murray. both men recently turned 26. you may have noticed it's a perfect summer day in england, something we don't see often, but you can be sure that most people in this country will be glud to the tv sets this afternoon. dan, dbianna. >> people all over the world will be glued. no pressure. you can see that on espn. and when we return, striking images from that incredible crash in san francisco. we'll be right back. [ female announcer ] now you can apply sunblock
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we want to thank you for watching this morning. we want to leave you with the searing sights and sounds from the crash landing in san francisco. ♪
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>> first the shock and horror and now the details. we learn more in morning as the investigation of the wreckage of the flight of 214 at sso. good morning, i'm carolyn tyler. thanks for joining us on this sunday, july 7th. >> and i'm kristin. here's the latest developments in the crash of the passenger jet at sfo. investigators with the national transportation safety board are now on the scene. they conducted a preliminary inspection of the plane wreckage shortly after arriving at sfo about 11:30 last night. >> they say they have recovered both of the so-called black boxes that record flight informio


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